
Rick Middel plenary speaker at EFMD conference in Gothenburg


On Thursday 15 November Rick Middel will take part in the EFMD conference arranged by the School of Business Economics and Law. This international conference gathers Directors of career services and business school career services staff involved in the strategic decisions of career services.

Rick Middel, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE) will give the first plenary speech on “Co-Creation and Innovation – Spark your Creativity”, in which he will discuss how Career Centers can use co-creation and innovation to develop their offers and stay relevant to their target groups.

Rick will also, together with Ethan Gifford and Ryan Rumble, both Senior Lecturers at IIE, organize a workshop called Value Proposition and Business Model Design. Based on the plenary speech the workshop will focus on a few of the ideas generated to explore how to make business out of it. This includes some key questions, like who are our partners and how do we relate to our customers. Rick, Ethan and Ryan will provide the participants with the value proposition canvas and the business model framework tool to discuss, challenge, share and design.

Find the full EFMD conference programme here.

Information about EFMD - The Management Development Network

  • An international, not-for-profit, membership organisation of business schools and corporations, based in Brussels, Belgium, with offices in Asia and the Americas
  • Nearly 900 member organisations from academia, business, public service and consultancy in 88 countries
  • A unique forum for information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development
  • Recognised globally as an accreditation body for quality & impact assessment in management with established accreditation services for business schools and business school programmes, corporate universities and online courses

Read more about EFMD on their website.